
Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Peb tshwj xeeb hauv kev tsim lub tsev rau neeg nrog caij elevator, Panoramic of elevator, txaj of elevator, Tsev elevator thiab lwm yam nrog peb tus qauv lossis cov neeg siv khoom xav tau.

Thiab yuav nruj me ntsis tswj qhov zoo, kev nyab xeeb thiab aeshtics ntawm peb cov khoom thiab tseem tsom rau kev siv cov khoom tiv thaiv ib puag ncig.

Khoom siv rau Cabin Panels: Painted, Hairline stainless hlau, daim iav los yog etching stainless hlau thiab lwm yam.

Qhov chaw ntawm Ceiling, handrail thiab pem teb yog xaiv tau.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Qauv: AFC-223

Upper & qis cover: Hlau phaj txau nrog cov teeb pom kev zoo nkauj

Sightseeing phab ntsa: peb daim ntawm kev ruaj ntseg laminated iav

Kho kom zoo nkauj saum:Qauv: AF-504

Tsheb phab ntsa: Tsis muaj plaub hau, Etching

Pem teb: PVC


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